Pruning the hedges

I've started pruning the hedges around our home. I spent 2 hours out the front cutting back the overhang towards the footpath and also the tops to let in more LIGHT. I'm so grateful that we have a sunny lounge and kitchen. It gets all day sun. If I had it my way, I'd have skylights to flood the whole house in natural light.

But thinking about the pruning. I always think that God can speak when you are in the Garden. When we start to cut back in the natural you begin to reveal what lies beyond. Like when you cut back a tree that over hangs a window and all of a sudden you can now see in and see out.

When we start looking at the excess around us whether it be stuff/material possessions or even things on our mind. It reveals something about our bigger picture of whats going on.  In my own journey of finding my way through the chaos in the home and in the mind. Lifes Chaos. I've realised how overgrown I'd let so many parts of my life and relationships become.

And like my time pruning the front hedges on our home it took alot of time but if you glanced at the work done you might miss it. And so can it be in our own journeys. It can feel pointless or even unnoticed. Things that can feel like big accomplishments can look like nothing special to someone else.

But clip by clip, Cut by cut, you will see the beauty beyond begin to reveal itself.
Its worth it.
But its got to be your own journey. You have to do it for yourself. Or it will be just another gardening job that gets put off till the conditions are just right (and that can be a long time coming).

You can't do a whole garden in a day but you can take a section at a time and enjoy the clarity that comes as you work on whats in front of you.

Oh and the other part of pruning is all the debris that's left behind - thankfully I managed to get my 5 year old Zephyr and 6 year old Titus to help me haul it all into a pile on our drive for 50cents. They also got alongside me having a go at sawing and clipping. They loved being out there all of us together.
When we start pruning the other part is getting rid of the rubbish.
 And as I kept encouraging my boys "the jobs not done until its all picked up!"

So as I look at my life - I'm asking God what needs pruning and ultimately what needs nurturing and clearing away. Getting help along the way can sometimes be hard to ask for but it can sure get the job done faster...

Take courage as its worth it. 

I'd love to hear parts of your own life you've been challenged to do some pruning in :) sometimes its nice to know there are others getting their hands dirty as we face our own messes and overgrown gardens in life!!

